
Impact of CellProfiler on human health

Our CellProfiler software has yielded discoveries in several translational projects, some of which may ultimately have a direct impact on the treatment of disease. For example, CellProfiler has been used to identify several small molecules that are effective in treating particular diseases in mouse models. In some cases, discoveries made using CellProfiler have even led to planning clinical trials in humans, which could directly improve patient outcomes. [more details]

Publications, videos, articles, and other press

Our own descriptions of our work
descriptions of our work

2015: Anne Carpenter's keynote speech on high content morphology profiling at King's College of London in September 2015 [Link to YouTube]

2015: "Ask the Expert" article featuring Anne Carpenter in Lab Manager [Link to Lab Manager article]

2015: CellProfiler profiled in "Imaging software targets scientific applications" by VisionSystems Design [Link to VisionSystems Design article]

2015: CellProfiler ranks as the top fluorescence cell image analysis tool by Journal of Microscopy [Link to JMicrscopy article]

2015: StressMarq Biosciences lists CellProfiler as one of "5 Free Images Analysis Software Tools for Microscopy" [StressMarq link]

2015: Article about CellProfiler and interview with Anne Carpenter in GEN magazine [Link to GEN magazine article]

2013: Blog post about CellProfiler's identifying features [Link to Broad Institute blog]

2013: Slides from Anne's presentation at the Chicago Drug Discovery Consortium Symposium [PDF]

2013: Article mentioning CellProfiler in The Scientist magazine [The Scientist article link] [PDF]

2013: CellProfiler exhibit at SLAS 2013 2nd Annual Conference & Exhibition [PDF of poster]

2012: Boston Globe article on the best places to work in Boston, featuring Mark-Anthony Bray [Boston Globe link]

2012: Vimeo video of an interview with Lee Kamentsky, lead CellProfiler developer (Videography credit: Sam Smiley) [Vimeo link]

2012: YouTube video of Mark-Anthony Bray describing what it is like to work at the Imaging Platform, including work on CellProfiler [YouTube link]

2012: CellProfiler and WormToolbox [Link to Broad Institute news]

2011: Article mentioning CellProfiler in Bioscience Technology [Bioscience Technology link] [PDF]

2011: Article describing CellProfiler Analyst [Link to Broad Institute blog]

2010: CellProfiler and C. elegans [Link to Broad Institute blog]

2010: Anne Carpenter's talk on the challenges of visualizing high-throughput cell image data, at the EMBO Workshop of Visualizing Biological Data [Link to video of presentation] [PDF]

2009: Overview of the CellProfiler project upon receiving Bio-IT 2009 "Best Practices" award [Bio-IT World news article link] [PDF]

2008: Anne Carpenter's talk as part of a series that overviews Broad Institute research in non-technical terms, "Broad 101" [.MOV]

2008: Public television special featuring Anne Carpenter and the CellProfiler team: Bold Visions: Women in Science and Technology [YouTube link (abridged version)]

2007: Article mentioning CellProfiler in The Scientist, "Lab Tools: Seeing Faster, Seeing Smarter" [PDF]

2007: Anne Carpenter's talk to girls at the Museum of Science Women in Research day [.MOV] [RealPlayer]

2007: Profile of the CellProfiler project team in Biotechniques [PDF]

2006: Article about CellProfiler project co-founder, Anne Carpenter in Genome Technology: "Imaging Breakthrough by Necessity" [PDF]

2006: Slides from Anne Carpenter's presentation about CellProfiler [PDF]

2005: Article about launch of CellProfiler in BioInform [PDF]

2004: Anne Carpenter's talk at Society for Biomolecular Screening conference in Orlando [.MOV]

2004: Interview of Anne Carpenter on high-content screening in Inside BioAssays [PDF]